Safer Place: Counselling Bruce County
Jun 30, 2022Last Trained - June 2022
Industry - Health Care, Community Service, Family & Youth
Region - Ontario
Address - 594 Goderich St Port Elgin ON
Website - www.counsellingbrucecounty.com
What can members of 2S-LGBTQIA+ community expect in your space?
Anyone in the community can expect non-judgmental and barrier-free access to services for all ages. Youth ages 12 and up can feel safe to reach out without the need for any parental support and feel secure that their communications with us will remain confidential. During the intake process, all efforts are made to provide choice of disclosure of pronouns, gender or sexuality as desired, but is never mandatory. Outside our clinic are stickers and signs to show we are a safe space for all. Inside, we have privacy with only one therapist and the client at any one time, as well as options for phone and video support from home if comfort is a concern. We have one washroom for all to use.
Percent of the organization which has completed our professional development workshop or learning modules:
What is your commitment to creating safer spaces for 2S-LGBTQIA+ community members?
After receiving the safer spaces training, we are beginning a complete renovation of our website to provide information on other local services, as well as to offer a clear understanding of what clients can expect from coming to our space or by utilizing our virtual space. We will be creating marketing materials specific to the community and what they need to see in order to feel safe in connecting with us. We are also beginning to explore connections with the local high school to create more services for teens.
How can members of 2S-LGBTQIA+ community provide feedback?
Currently there is only one therapist in the office, so feedback is received through our website or direct email.