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Safer Place: Win Win Counselling

community service counselling family & youth health care ontario safer place Jul 31, 2022

Last Trained - July 2022

Industry - Health Care, Community Service, Family & Youth, Counselling

Region - Ontario

Address - Suite 60008 South Oakville Mall, Oakville, ON L6L 6R4

Website -


What can members of 2S-LGBTQIA+ community expect in your space?

My web site identifies that I provide services to people of all gender identity, sexual orientation and sexual expression. I identify myself on my web site, email and zoom by my pronouns. I ask my clients their pronouns and address them with these pronouns.


Percent of the organization which has completed our professional development workshop or learning modules: 



What is your commitment to creating safer spaces for 2S-LGBTQIA+ community members?

With the new insights I gained as a result of participating in the Safer Spaces training, I plan to explore with all my clients how to create a safer space for 2S-LGBTQIA+ as they are my community members.


How can members of 2S-LGBTQIA+ community provide feedback?

I am the only employee in my organization. I encourage feedback from my clients at the end of every session.